Monday, February 7, 2011

Things to Know About American Idol

dear bloggers,

Theres a lot of things you problbly would not know about american idol for example Did you know that American idol was support to be an online show? how weird would that have been. The only problem was when the idea of American idol came out it was 1997; the internet was not as big of a hit as it was now. Did you know Simon almost quit a week before the show even aired for the first time. Simon did not want to have to tone down his harsh personality for the “sensitive” viewers, but Fox TV told him he did not have to worry about that. That really did not turn out to be a problem for him he is loved becaues of his harshness. Did you know that Ryan almost backed out of idol too, he did not sign his contract until two hours befor the first sure hes glad he signed that piece of paper. In season 1 of American idol know one thought Kelly Clarkson would make it, including simon, her audition was not even show on t.v .Did you know that every year they have a farewell dinner for all the eliminated contestants and their family, they go around the table and say their goodbyes (I wonder why they don’t air that on tv?). did you know idol offered simon 130 millions dollars to stay on American idol for season 10. Did you know one of the most famous quotes of American idol is probably going to be…
"Well hellfire, save matches, f--- a duck and see what hatches!" -Stephen Tyler-"

love your blogger monica :)

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