Wednesday, March 16, 2011

American Idol Interviwn With My Family

On this blog I will be interviewing my family about his views on American Idol. This blog is primarily based on someone else’s point of view and opinion. Also, since this is an American Idol blog, I must add that last week Ashton Jones was eliminated. :( Very sad considering her amazing amounts of talent.
MONICA: Who do you think the top 5 idols are going to be?
DAD: Casey Because I think he’s just real good and I like him. James because I think he’s going to be a rock star. Pia because she sings like a angel. Stefano because he got a wild card and wants to prove himself. Jacob because he has a real big powerful voice.
MOM: James because I think he’s awesome and he reminds me of Adam Lambert. Casey because he is very talented and has a great voice. Jacob because his voice is phenomenal. Lauren because she has a wonderful voice. Scottie great deep voice for a kid of his age.
TISH: Lauren because she has a wide Varity of music. Scotty because he’s consistent and has great stage presence. Paul because he has a different and unique voice. James because he can pretty much sing anything. Case he has a unique voice and a wide range of notes.

MONICA: Who do you think is going to win?
DAD: James Durbin!
MOM: James Durbin!
TISH: James Durbin!

MONICA: Is there anything about Idol you don’t like?
DAD: I think its going to be to short, they moved faster, you don’t get to see them as much as you use to.
MOM: They shortened the season too much, they went from 24 to 13.
TISH: I don’t like how emotional J Lo is, I think it gets in the was of her judgment

MONICA: Last week who do you think did the best/worst? Why?
DAD: I think Casey did the best because he sang well and hade good stage presence. I think that Thia did the worst I just did not like it, it was boring.
MOM: I think Casey did the best. He sang great and preformed awesome. I felt Thia did the worst she does not have much confidence.
TISH: I think Ashton did the worst she had poor tone quality. James did the best he has everything needed for music career.

MONICA: What do you like most about Idol this season?
DAD: Stephen Tyler!!! He’s hilarious thoughtful and very educated.
MOM: I like the judges this year. They really care and give really good advice.
TISH: I like the amount of talent this year.

MONICA: Last week do you think Ashton should have been eliminated? If not who
Should have been?
DAD: No I think thia should have been eliminated.
MOM: No I think Thia should have been eliminated
TISH: No I think Jacob should have been eliminated.


1 comment:

  1. Knowone has commented on my blog. But i would like to add that in my interview i thought it was iteresting that all three of the people i interviwed said they thought that james durbin was going to win.
