Thursday, April 21, 2011

This will be my last post. Throughout the weeks I’ve been posting blogs about American idol; it has been a fun and interesting experience. I hope you have enjoyed all of my informative and opinion based blogs. One of my favorite blogs was most likely when I did the interview with my family; it was fun going to everyone in my house and asking them the questions and later comparing their answers. One of my least favorite blogs is the one about Thomas Pitt, only because it is really hard for me to think about it. I love watching American idol every week and trying to figure out what I should do my blog about.

I think that this has been a cool experience I wish we could keep going but our blogging life has come to an end :). It will be something that I doubt I will forget. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading my blogs I Have enjoyed writing/typing them.

Peace out!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pia vs. James

I am comparing Pia Toscado and James Durbin. After looking through some websites it seems like those are the top two favorites to win American Idol. First Pia she’s a little shyer, she’s not super shy but she’s not super outgoing. Her vocals can reach to the heavens and back. :0.  Her type of music is more moderate and calm. On the American Idol fan club she has 7,306 where as James has 8,211. James is a more outgoing type of singer, he gets the crowd going. He’s definitely a rocker! Even though has a hard rocker he also has a soft side in his vocals and music. I think he’s liked a lot also because of his story (he has turrets’) and his crazy high vocals. So far Pia is the only person on Idol this season that has gotten a standing ovation from the judges. James is the only person on Idol that had gotten J-Lo to go crazy and dance. All in all both Pia and James both deserve to win, they are both amazing singers. I definitely think it is going to come down to those two. If one of them messes up it could cost them, so far neither of them have messed up on a song that they have sung. If one of them messes up then I think the other one will end up winning.  If they both do amazing each week then I think it will be the closest voting American Idol has ever seen!  Even if James or Pia don’t win they are both going to get a record deal no matter what.

 James Durbin
 Image Source Page:

Pia Toscado

 Image from:


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

American Idol Interviwn With My Family

On this blog I will be interviewing my family about his views on American Idol. This blog is primarily based on someone else’s point of view and opinion. Also, since this is an American Idol blog, I must add that last week Ashton Jones was eliminated. :( Very sad considering her amazing amounts of talent.
MONICA: Who do you think the top 5 idols are going to be?
DAD: Casey Because I think he’s just real good and I like him. James because I think he’s going to be a rock star. Pia because she sings like a angel. Stefano because he got a wild card and wants to prove himself. Jacob because he has a real big powerful voice.
MOM: James because I think he’s awesome and he reminds me of Adam Lambert. Casey because he is very talented and has a great voice. Jacob because his voice is phenomenal. Lauren because she has a wonderful voice. Scottie great deep voice for a kid of his age.
TISH: Lauren because she has a wide Varity of music. Scotty because he’s consistent and has great stage presence. Paul because he has a different and unique voice. James because he can pretty much sing anything. Case he has a unique voice and a wide range of notes.

MONICA: Who do you think is going to win?
DAD: James Durbin!
MOM: James Durbin!
TISH: James Durbin!

MONICA: Is there anything about Idol you don’t like?
DAD: I think its going to be to short, they moved faster, you don’t get to see them as much as you use to.
MOM: They shortened the season too much, they went from 24 to 13.
TISH: I don’t like how emotional J Lo is, I think it gets in the was of her judgment

MONICA: Last week who do you think did the best/worst? Why?
DAD: I think Casey did the best because he sang well and hade good stage presence. I think that Thia did the worst I just did not like it, it was boring.
MOM: I think Casey did the best. He sang great and preformed awesome. I felt Thia did the worst she does not have much confidence.
TISH: I think Ashton did the worst she had poor tone quality. James did the best he has everything needed for music career.

MONICA: What do you like most about Idol this season?
DAD: Stephen Tyler!!! He’s hilarious thoughtful and very educated.
MOM: I like the judges this year. They really care and give really good advice.
TISH: I like the amount of talent this year.

MONICA: Last week do you think Ashton should have been eliminated? If not who
Should have been?
DAD: No I think thia should have been eliminated.
MOM: No I think Thia should have been eliminated
TISH: No I think Jacob should have been eliminated.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Review On Chris Daughterys Success

Over the years Chris Daughtry has become on of the most popular Idols. He has become a sensation. But he did not even win Idol, he did not even come close. He made it to the top ten and was eliminated. No one believed that he could get eliminated, every one thought for sure he was going to be the winner. “After Chris Daughtry was voted off the show, a online petition showed up at Fans were demanding a recount of votes to get Daughtry back on American Idol.”( Giddens, page28).  The petition did not change anything, Chris was just out of luck.
Even though Chris was voted off that was not the end of him. “On July 10 he signed an agreement with RCA records chief Clive Davis and Simon Fuller label.”(Giddens, page30). Chris came out with his first album called Daughtry. “In just the first week the album sold 304,000 copies” (Giddens, Page 33).
So based on all this information I would have to say that my review for Chris is an excellent. Although he did not even come close to winning Idol, he has become one of the best performers to ever come out of Idol (along with Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson). He is known and loved by many, and to some he was the “winner” of American Idol.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To WIn American Idol

There are multiple ways to win American idol. Some are obvious but some of theme you might not realize.

1.      You have to have a have a good voice. This is definitely the main way to win Idol, if you don’t have a good voice then there’s no way you can even make it to Hollywood week.
2.      Another thing is you have to know how to sing in key. Even if you do have a good voice, if you don’t know how to sing in key then you wont ever sing well.
3.      You have you have a personality. If people don’t like you then they won’t vote for you. If you don’t stand out, know one will notice you.
4.      You have to take the judges advice and critiques. They are there for a reason, the more you listen to them the more you will grow and get better.
5.      You have to be different and original, sometimes the weirder you are the more you are liked, For instance Lady Gaga
6.      You have to open up and let the people get to know you. The more people know about you the more connected they are to you.

Those are some of the things that should help you win American idol! If you follow these things you could be the next American Idol, like Carrie Underwood!

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Things to Know About American Idol

dear bloggers,

Theres a lot of things you problbly would not know about american idol for example Did you know that American idol was support to be an online show? how weird would that have been. The only problem was when the idea of American idol came out it was 1997; the internet was not as big of a hit as it was now. Did you know Simon almost quit a week before the show even aired for the first time. Simon did not want to have to tone down his harsh personality for the “sensitive” viewers, but Fox TV told him he did not have to worry about that. That really did not turn out to be a problem for him he is loved becaues of his harshness. Did you know that Ryan almost backed out of idol too, he did not sign his contract until two hours befor the first sure hes glad he signed that piece of paper. In season 1 of American idol know one thought Kelly Clarkson would make it, including simon, her audition was not even show on t.v .Did you know that every year they have a farewell dinner for all the eliminated contestants and their family, they go around the table and say their goodbyes (I wonder why they don’t air that on tv?). did you know idol offered simon 130 millions dollars to stay on American idol for season 10. Did you know one of the most famous quotes of American idol is probably going to be…
"Well hellfire, save matches, f--- a duck and see what hatches!" -Stephen Tyler-"

love your blogger monica :)